Rollerski customer service

Rollerski USA
28 June 2024
Rollerski for seniors, baby boomers, fifties, sixties …
18 November 2024
Rollerski USA
28 June 2024
Rollerski for seniors, baby boomers, fifties, sixties …
18 November 2024


My name is Phil Shaw and I am a professional cross country ski racer at the prestigious Worldloppet circuit.

I train 9 months of the year with my favourite off-road rollerskiis namely the SRB XRS06’s. I have also trained on Skikes, SkiSkett and Powerslide brands. My go to rollerski poles are Leki. So I am intrinsically aware of all the different brands and models that I sell. I look forward to rollerskiing every day as it ensures that I maintain a high level of fitness and puts me in an upbeat mood. With this in mind I set the tone and energy level for my rollerski business. My employees are fully up to speed on all the products that we sell including the numerous and sometimes minute but all important accessories.

We’re not here to sell you a product we’re here to sell you a passion. Our goal is to make you happy with your decision in purchase. Providing insight and detail about the functionality of what you want is what we do. We’re aware of all the ins and outs of all the products we sell. We’ll discuss with you what you want but after finding out your needs we’ll recommend what is best for you. Ultimately the final decision will be yours but it’s good to know that we can point you in a direction that aligns with your true strengths.

We will always be delighted to help you find your way through the maze of possibilities that fit your vision. Call or email anytime. We’ll answer your questions promptly and professionally even on weekends or statutory holidays. We give prompt service and we’re honest. We look forward to hearing from you.