Rough road rollerskiis compared to rollerblades

Rollerskiing and alpine skiing
9 May 2024
Rollerskiing and alpine skiing
9 May 2024

Rollerskiing compared to Rollerblading

Although both rollerskiing and rollerblading is done on wheels that’s where the buck stops. Rollerblading maybe faster but it has fewer advantages than do rough road rollerskiis. To start with you can only rollerblade on nice pavement or concrete. And despite being faster it’s also more dangerous to rollerblade. Any little obstacle like a pebble, branch, sandbar or rag will more than likely cause you to fall or stumble. On the hand rough road rollerskiis are made to go over the rough stuff. Thanks to the big pneumatic wheels it’s fun to go over small and even not so small obstacles.

In fact you’ll want to go over the rough roads to explore and to test your skills. Imagine rollerskiing along your favourite forest trail while the rollerbladers are stuck on the pavement. Pneumatic or rough road rollerskiis are also a much better workout than rollerblading. Why? It’s because rollerskiing uses not only your leg and core muscles but also your arm and shoulder muscles. Imagine how fit you‘ll get by rollerskiing?? You‘ll develop more muscle tone, slim down faster and you’ll increase your cardio more with rollerskiing than you‘ll do with rollerblading. Rollerskiing is the best workout you can do and is way more fun than going to the gym.

Because of the military grade brakes, you’ll be able to go down any hill. And that same steep uphill climb will be easier thanks to the skating & poling action. If you’re rollerskiis have reverse lock brakes you’ll also enjoy rollerskiing uphill with equal leg, arm, abdominal action. Rollerskiing is the next best thing you can do after snow skiing. Rollerblading on the other hand is a close cousin to ice skating.

Rollerski compared to Rollerblades
Rollerskiing is more fun the rollerblading because rollerskiing is more versatile. You can rollerski to and from your place of work, school, the grocery store, library, bank, restaurant and countless other places. You’ll make a bigger fashion statement because rollerskiing is a more novel way to travel. It’s a healthier mode of travel than rollerblading and a much healthier and more environmentally friendly way to go than using your car. And with the price of gas is way cheaper than using your car. Rollerblading may have been the craze here in North America but rollerskiing has for a long time been a trend in Europe and is becoming the new rage in North America. You’re welcome to become a trendsetter. Rollerskiing is worth the investment.