Ski Skett Elite Skate

Ski Skett Elite Classic
23 February 2024
Ski Skett Alu Poles Uniform Length
23 February 2024

Ski Skett Elite Skate


This is a training model for experienced athletes who are looking for a light skating model with narrow wheels which allow to do an excellent lateral step. The wheels are made of PL, a material with high grip and slow speed. Splashguards are included.
SKU: 11012 Category:
Frame: aluminium
Length frame: 600 mm.
Number of wheels for frame: 2.
Wheels’ material: slow polyurethane and hub made of alu
Wheels’ diameter and width in mm: 95×24.
Ratchet device: no
Splashguards are included
Weight  (pair): 1.2 Kg.
Additional information
Weight1.5 kg
Dimensions73 × 11 × 9 cm

Saviez-vous que les bâtons spécialisés sont fortement recommandés ?


Did you know that specialized poles are highly recommended? 

Français - Visiter les bâtons ICI
English - Visit the poles HERE

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